San José State University
Department of Computer Engineering
CMPE-294: Assignment Rubric: Audience Analysis

2 points

Analyses are well thought out and clearly presented. Explanations are adequate and demonstrate critical thinking skills. Material is quoted or paraphrased from the article "Smart Objects as Building Blocks for the Internet of Things" in IEEE citation style. Minimum word count is met or exceeded for management abstract. There is no plagiarized content.
1 point

Analyses are presented in paragraphs for all sections. Material is quoted or paraphrased from the article "Smart Objects as Building Blocks for the Internet of Things in IEEE citation style. There is no plagiarized content.
0.25 point

Makes some attempts to provide some analysis of various sections. Some parts are plagiarized.
Below Expectation
0 point

Inadequate content.
Style, word choice, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, spelling
1 point

The paper is written in an appropriate academic style. Words are specific and accurate conveying the message in a precise, interesting, and engaging way; there are no grammatical errors, and sentences are elegant.
0.75 point

The paper is mostly written in an academic style. Words are appropriate and accurate; there may be few grammatical errors, but they do not interfere with meaning; sentences are generally well constructed.
0.25 point

The paper may be written too informally for the task; some of the words are simple or inappropriate; or some grammar errors interfere with understanding of meaning; some sentences have structural problems.
Below Expectation
0 point

The style is too informal for the task; there is over reliance on simple and inappropriate vocabulary; grammar errors interfere with understanding of meaning; many sentences shows structural problem.
2 points

Analyses are well thought out and clearly presented. Explanations are adequate and demonstrate critical thinking skills. Material is quoted or paraphrased from the article "Smart Objects as Building Blocks for the Internet of Things" in IEEE citation style. Minimum word count is met or exceeded for general reader abstract. There is no plagiarized content.
1 point

Analyses are presented in paragraphs for all sections. There is no sign of plagiarism.
0.25 point

Makes some attempts to provide some analysis of various sections. Some parts are plagiarized.
Below Expectation
0 point

Inadequate content.
Style, word choice, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, spelling
1 point

The paper is written in an appropriate academic style. Words are specific and accurate conveying the message in a precise, interesting, and engaging way; there are no grammatical errors, and sentences are elegant.
0.75 point

The paper is mostly written in an academic style. Words are appropriate and accurate; there may be few grammatical errors, but they do not interfere with meaning; sentences are generally well constructed.
0.25 point

The paper may be written too informally for the task; some of the words are simple or inappropriate; or some grammar errors interfere with understanding of meaning; some sentences have structural problems.
Below Expectation
0 point

The style is too informal for the task; there is over reliance on simple and inappropriate vocabulary; grammar errors interfere with understanding of meaning; many sentences shows structural problem.
2 points

Analyses are well thought out and clearly presented. Explanations are adequate and demonstrate critical thinking skills. Minimum word count is met or exceeded for comparison abstract. There is no sign of plagiarism.
1 point

Analyses are presented in paragraphs for all sections. There is no sign of plagiarism.
0.5 point

Makes some attempts to provide some analysis of various sections. Some parts are plagiarized.
Below Expectation
0 point

Inadequate content.
Style, word choice, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, spelling
1 point

The paper is written in an appropriate academic style. Words are specific and accurate conveying the message in a precise, interesting, and engaging way; there are no grammatical errors, and sentences are elegant.
0.75 point

The paper is mostly written in an academic style. Words are appropriate and accurate; there may be few grammatical errors, but they do not interfere with meaning; sentences are generally well constructed.
0.25 point

The paper may be written too informally for the task; some of the words are simple or inappropriate; or some grammar errors interfere with understanding of meaning; some sentences have structural problems.
Below Expectation
0 point

The style is too informal for the task; there is over reliance on simple and inappropriate vocabulary; grammar errors interfere with understanding of meaning; many sentences shows structural problem.
Citation format
1 point

The article, "Smart Objects as Building Blocks for the Internet of Things" is properly formatted in IEEE citation style at end of paper.
0.75 point

The article, "Smart Objects as Building Blocks for the Internet of Things" is not properly formatted in IEEE citation style at end of paper. There is one error in the citation.
0.25 point

The article, "Smart Objects as Building Blocks for the Internet of Things" is not properly formatted in IEEE citation style at end of paper. There are two or more errors in the citation.
Below Expectation
0 point

No bibliographic citation exists for the article, "Smart Objects as Building Blocks for the Internet of Things".
Total points: 6.0