San José State University
Department of Computer Engineering
CMPE-294 assignment: Entry Essay: Grading Rubric

Assignment guidelines Exemplary
3 points

The paper addresses all assignment guidelines including word limit. The paper has all required sections.
2 points

The paper addresses most assignment guidelines.
1 point

The paper addresses some assignment guidelines.
Below Expectation
0 points

The paper fails to address key assignment guidelines.
Content Exemplary
4 points

Analyses are well thought out and clearly presented. Explanations are adequate and demonstrate critical thinking skills. There is no sign of plagiarism.
3 points

Analyses are presented in paragraphs for all sections. There is no sign of plagiarism.
1 point

Makes some attempts to provide some analysis of various sections. Some parts are plagiarized.
Below Expectation
0 point

Inadequate content.
Style, word choice, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, spelling Exemplary
3 points

The paper is written in an appropriate academic style. Words are specific and accurate conveying the message in a precise, interesting, and engaging way; there are no grammatical errors or spelling errors, and sentences are elegant. Avoids wordiness.
2 points

The paper is mostly written in an academic style. Words are appropriate and accurate; there may be few grammatical errors or spelling errors, but they do not interfere with meaning; sentences are generally well constructed. Avoids wordiness.
1 point

The paper may be written too informally for the task; some of the words are simple or inappropriate; or some grammar errors interfere with understanding of meaning; some sentences have structural problems.
Below Expectation
0 point

The style is too informal for the task; there is over reliance on simple and inappropriate vocabulary; grammar errors interfere with understanding of meaning; many sentences shows structural problem.
Total points: 10.0