San José State University
Department of Computer Engineering
CMPE-294 assignment: Incident report grading rubric

Memo style
1 point

Incident report written in MEMO style with appropriate information filled in for DATE, TO, FROM, and SUBJECT.
0.75 point

Incident report mostly written in MEMO style. One of the following elements and its appropriate data is missing: DATE, TO, FROM, or SUBJECT.
0.25 point

Incident report somewhat resembles MEMO style. Two of the following elements and their appropriate data are missing: DATE, TO, FROM, or SUBJECT.
Below Expectation
0 point

Incident report is not written in MEMO style. At least three of the following elements and their appropriate data are missing: DATE, TO, FROM, or SUBJECT.
1 point

Incident report contains three or more headings that organize the incident report into the following sections: defining the incident, outlining the problem, and proposing a solution.
0.5 point

Incident report is organized with two headings. One of the following headings is missing: defining the incident, outlining the problem, or proposing a solution.
0.25 points

Incident report is organized with one heading. Two of the following headings are missing: defining the incident, outlining the problem, or proposing a solution.
Below Expectation
0 points

Incident report contains no headings.
Content and organization Exemplary
6 points

Incident report contains a paragraph for an introduction which defines the incident, a paragraph for an outline of the problem, and a paragraph containing a proposed solution.
4 points

Incident report is missing one of the following: a paragraph defining the incident, a paragraph outlining the problem, or a paragraph outlining the proposed solution.
2 points

Incident report is missing two of the following: a paragraph defining the incident, a paragraph outlining the problem, or a paragraph outlining the proposed solution.
Below Expectation
0 point

Incident report is missing all of the following: a paragraph defining the incident, a paragraph outlining the problem, and a paragraph outlining the proposed solution.
Writing style, word choice, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, spelling Exemplary
2 points

The incident report is written in an appropriate style. Sentences are well constructed. Words are specific and accurate, and not overly verbose. There are no grammatical, mechanical, or punctuation errors.
1.5 points

The incident report is mostly written in an appropriate style. Words are appropriate and accurate. Sentences are generally well-constructed. Contains fewer than three spelling errors.
1 point

The incident report contains two or three of the following: grammatical errors; spelling errors; incomplete sentences; or run-on sentences.
Below Expectation
0 point

The report is too informal. Grammar errors interfere with understanding of meaning. Contains four or more of the following: grammatical errors; spelling errors; incomplete sentences; and run-on sentences.
Total points: 10.0