San José State University
Department of Computer Engineering
CMPE-294 assignment: Intellectual Property 1: Grading Rubric

Overview of case Exceeds expectation
1 point

Student identifies the court case by name (plaintiff versus defendant). Student also notes the full names of the plaintiff and defendant.
0.5 points

Student identifies the name of the court case.
Below Expectation
0 points

Student fails to mention the court case, the plaintiff, or the defendant.
Legal issue claims Exceeds expectation
3 points

Student lists the claims by the plaintiff and defendant. Student quotes or paraphrases all sources of information with in-text references in IEEE citation format. Student meets or exceeds minimum word limit for entire paper. There is no sign of plagiarism.
1 point

Student lists the claims for either the plaintiff or defendant but not both. Student quotes or paraphrases all sources of information with in-text citations in IEEE citation format. There is no sign of plagiarism.
Below Expectation
0 points

Student fails to list claims and/or some information is plagiarized.
Court case outcome Exceeds expectation
3 points

Student summarizes the outcome from the court case and whether the plaintiff or defendant prevailed. Student quotes or paraphrases all sources of information with in-text citations in IEEE citation format. Student meets or exceeds minimum word limit for entire paper. There is no sign of plagiarism.
1 point

Student notes whether the plaintiff or defendant prevailed in the court case.
Below Expectation
0 points

Student fails to include the outcome from the court case and/or some information is plagiarized.
Analysis of legal issues Exceeds expectation
3 points

Student makes judgement on court case (either for plaintiff or defendant). Student provides reasons for their decision. Student quotes or paraphrases all sources of information with in-text citations in IEEE citation format. Student meets or exceeds minimum word limit for entire paper. There is no sign of plagiarism.
1 point

Student makes judgement on court case (either for plaintiff or defendant) but fails to provide reasons for their decision.
Below Expectation
0 points

Student does not make judgement on court case and/or some information is plagiarized.
Be able to extract information from presentations, pursue further information from such a starting point, and be able to present the results of such an investigation.
Exceeds expectations
5 points

3 points

Below expectations
0 points

Be able to demonstrate leadership and the ability to participate in teamwork in an environment with different disciplines of engineering, science and business.
Exceeds expectations
5 points

3 points

Below expectations
0 points

Be able to communicate effectively, in both oral and written forms.
Exceeds expectations
5 points

3 points

Below expectations
0 points

Total points: 10.0