San José State University
Department of Computer Engineering
CMPE-294 assignment: Research paper grading rubric

Assignment guidelines Exemplary
2.5 points

The paper addresses all assignment guidelines including word limit. The paper has all required sections
2 points

The paper addresses most assignment guidelines.
1 point

The paper addresses some assignment guidelines.
Below Expectation
0 points

The paper fails to address key assignment guidelines.
Introduction Exemplary
5 points

The introduction is comprehensive, clear and well thought out. It talks about the subject, purpose, plan, and scope. There is no sign of plagiarism.
4.5 points

The introduction is clear. There is no sign of plagiarism.
3 points

There is an introduction but it is too short and underdeveloped. There is no sign of plagiarism.
Below Expectation
0 points

There is no introduction. Some parts are plagiarized.
Project Description and Justification Exemplary
5 points

The research objective is clear and is integrally connected to the problem statement. Presents rationale and significance of proposed work. There is no sign of plagiarism.
4.5 points

The research objective is clear. Identifies relevant problems. Problem statement is well developed but there may be a few flaws overall. There is no sign of plagiarism.
3 points

There is a research objective but it is vague. There are problems identified but are too short and underdeveloped. There is no sign of plagiarism.
Below Expectation
0 points

There is no research objective. There is no people and/or technical problem identified. Some parts are plagiarized.
Literature Review / State of the Art Exemplary
5 points

Literature review and state of the art of proposed research is well thought out and clearly presented. Used at least ten peer-reviewed articles. There is no sign of plagiarism.
4.5 points

Literature review and state of the art of proposed research are well presented but not as well developed. There is no sign of plagiarism.
3 points

Makes some attempts to provide literature review for the proposed project. There is no sign of plagiarism.
Below Expectation
0 points

There is no literature review and state of the art. Some parts are plagiarized.
Technical Aspect Exemplary
2.5 points

Provides and adequate explanation of explanation of architecture / design, implementation plan, possible solutions, advantages and disadvantages. Project is feasible. There is no sign of plagiarism.
2 points

Provides and adequate explanation of explanation of architecture / design, implementation plan, possible solutions, advantages and disadvantages. There is no sign of plagiarism.
1 point

Provides an unorganized and ill thought out explanation of architecture / design, implementation plan, possible solutions, advantages and disadvantages. There is no sign of plagiarism.
Below Expectation
0 points

Provides an unorganized and ill thought out explanation of architecture / design, implementation plan, possible solutions, advantages and disadvantages. There is no sign of plagiarism.
Conclusion / Recommendation Exemplary
2.5 points

Conclusions and recommendations are well thought out and clearly presented. There is no sign of plagiarism.
2 points

Conclusions are well presented but not as well developed. There is no sign of plagiarism.
1 point

Makes some attempts to provide conclusions. There is no sign of plagiarism.
Below Expectation
0 points

There are no conclusions and/or recommendations. Some parts are plagiarized
Style, word choice, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, spelling Exemplary
5 points

The paper is written in an appropriate academic style. Words are specific and accurate conveying the message in a precise, interesting, and engaging way; there are no grammatical errors, and sentences are elegant. Heading and subheadings are descriptive.
4.5 points

The paper is mostly written in an academic style. Words are appropriate and accurate; there may be few grammatical errors, but they do not interfere with meaning; sentences are generally well constructed.
3 points

The paper may be written too informally for the task; some of the words are simple or inappropriate; or some grammar errors interfere with understanding of meaning; some sentences have structural problems.
Below Expectation
2 points

The style is too informal for the task; there is over reliance on simple and inappropriate vocabulary; grammar errors interfere with understanding of meaning; many sentences show structural problems.
IEEE editorial conventions and formatting Exemplary
2.5 points

The paper satisfies all IEEE editorial conventions.
2 points

The paper satisfies most IEEE editorial conventions.
1 point

The paper satisfies some basic IEEE editorial conventions.
Below Expectation
0 points

The paper fails to satisfy basic IEEE editorial conventions.
Be able to extract information from presentations, pursue further information from such a starting point, and be able to present the results of such an investigation.
Exceeds expectations
5 points

Meets Expectations
3 points

Does Not Meet Expectations
0 points

Understand the concept of plagiarism, and recognize instances of plagiarism. Be familiar with the professional codes of engineering ethics.
Exceeds expectations
5 points

Meets Expectations
3 points

Does Not Meet Expectations
0 points

Have been exposed to a diverse set of communication styles and have had practical experience in exercising them.
Exceeds expectations
5 points

Meets Expectations
3 points

Does Not Meet Expectations
0 points

Be aware of ethical, economic and environmental implications of their work, as appropriate.
Exceeds expectations
5 points

Meets Expectations
3 points

Does Not Meet Expectations
0 points

Be able to advance successfully in the engineering profession and sustain a process of life-long learning in engineering or other professional areas.
Exceeds expectations
5 points

3 points

Does Not Meet Expectations
0 points

Be able to communicate effectively in both oral and written forms.
Exceeds expectations
5 points

Meets Expectations
3 points

Does Not Meet Expectations
0 points

Total points: 30