San José State University
Department of Computer Engineering
CMPE-294: Computer Engineering Seminar


Robert Bruce


CMPE or SE graduate standing or instructor consent.

Course Description

Provides graduate students with a background to conduct research, write proposals, and present results in oral and written form.
Meets university Graduate Writing Assessment Requirement.

Required Texts / Readings

Mike Markel, Technical Communications, Bedford St. Martins, 2012 or later edition OR you can use the E-book but the page numbers may differ.


Assignment Percentage of Grade
Oral presentation 10%
In-class assignments:
Entry essay
Cover letter
Engineering ethics
Revising sentences
Audience Analysis
Incident report
Intellectual Property 1
Intellectual Property 2
Lab Proposal
Interview Report 10%
Journal Article Analysis 10%
Abstract and outline for research paper 10%
Research paper 30%
TOTAL 100%


Grading Scale

Percent range Grade
97% to 100% inclusive A
94% to 96% inclusive A-
91% to 93% inclusive B+
88% to 90% inclusive B
85% to 87% inclusive B-
82% to 84% inclusive C+
79% to 81% inclusive C
76% to 78% inclusive C-
73% to 75% inclusive D+
70% to 72% inclusive D
67% to 69% inclusive D-
Below 67% F

Course Schedule

Week Topics, Readings, Assignments, Deadlines Reading
1 Intro to technical writing
Honesty Pledge
Markel Chapter 1
2 Writing resumes Markel Chapter 15
3 Preventing plagiarism Markel Chapter 9
4 Library databases orientation  
5 Engineering ethics Markel Chapter 2
6 Analyzing your audience
Organizing your information
Markel Chapters 5 and 7
7 Writing effective sentences Markel Chapter 10
8 Writing letters, memos, and email Markel Chapter 6
9 Intellectual Property 1  
10 Intellectual Property 2  
11 Informational and lab reports Markel Chapters 17 and 18
12 Proposals and recommendation reports  
13 Make-up lab
Student presentations
Markel Chapters 16 and 19
14 Student presentations  
15 Student presentations