Post-project assessment.
CMPE-297: Special Topics (Virtual Reality)
Instructor: Robert Bruce


In this assignment, you will write a double-spaced post-project assessment. This is not a group assignment. It is an individual assignment.


The post-project assessment report should include a title page followed by minimally a two-page report. There is no maximum for the number of pages in this report. The report should include the following:

  • A dedicated title page.
  • Your contributions to the project.
  • Overall summary of the project
  • What you learned (good and bad)
  • How communication worked (or didn’t)
  • From your perspective, specific contributions of other team members
  • Team member evaluation
  • Given your experience on this project, what you would do differently in the future if you were to work on this project again?
  • What (if any) future VR/AR applications and development are you considering?