Project Documentation.
CMPE-297: Special Topics (Virtual Reality)
Instructor: Robert Bruce


The project documentation is a group assignment. It contains all information about the project.


Please write your project documentation double-spaced and include the following sections:

  • Application summary
  • Application objectives
  • Targeted platform(s)
  • User input
  • Game mechanics
  • Development environment
  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Revision control and documents
  • Team members and roles
  • Summary of each task completed and who did it
  • Itemize all assets used:
    1. Name and links to all store and other pre-built assets.
    2. Name of all assets built or written from scratch including author.
  • Actual Development Timeline
  • Itemized Budget
  • Minimum Viable Product: original (during planning) versus implemented (completed project)
  • Visuals: storyboards, screenshots, diagrams, state machines, HUD (heads-up display), Controls, Gameflow, Maps, Characters, PowerUps, Environment, System Architecture