San José State University
Department of Computer Engineering
CMPE-297: Special Topics
Topic: Virtual Reality


Robert Bruce and Nanci Solomon


Instructor consent

Course Description

Special topics to augment regularly-scheduled graduate courses. May be taken up to three times in different topic areas. Special topic to be covered: Virtual Reality

Learning Outcomes

At the completion of the course, you should be able to:

  • Create a basic 3D virtual reality application in Unity.
  • Apply software engineering principles in project management and scope used in virtual reality application development.
  • Describe factors that influence and impact Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in virtual reality.
  • Define somatosensory limitations in virtual reality.
  • Explain the impact of light and optics in virtual reality.
  • Describe the impact of shading in virtual reality.
  • Explain how linear transformations are used in virtual reality.
  • Describe hardware considerations in developing virtual reality.

Required Texts/Readings

Virtual Reality by Steven M. LaValle. This book is freely available for download at

Other Readings

Designing Virtual Worlds by Richard A. Bartle. ISBN 9780131018167.

Unity in Action by Joseph Hocking. ISBN 9781617292323.

Unity 5.x Cookbook by Matt Smith. ISBN 9781784391362.


This is a project-based course. The project is comprised of six assignments: Personal bio / introduction, project proposal, Virtual Reality application, program documentation, project demonstration (live), and post-project assessment. There will also be one midterm and one final exam.

Grading will be based on a total accumulation of 100 possible points, distributed as follows:

Assignment Points
Personal bio / introduction 2
Post-project assessment 8
Project proposal 10
Project documentation 10
Project demonstration 10
Virtual Reality application 30
Midterm exam 15
Final exam 15

† Graded as an individual

‡ Graded as a group (each member of the group gets same grade)

Grading Scale

Percent range Grade
97% to 100% inclusive A
94% to 96% inclusive A-
91% to 93% inclusive B+
88% to 90% inclusive B
85% to 87% inclusive B-
82% to 84% inclusive C+
79% to 81% inclusive C
76% to 78% inclusive C-
73% to 75% inclusive D+
70% to 72% inclusive D
67% to 69% inclusive D-
Below 67% F

Course Schedule

Week Topics, Readings, Assignments, Deadlines
1 Part 1: Introduction - Course goals and objectives
Part 2: Virtual Reality demonstrations in SJSU’s VR lab in ENGR-246.
Read chapter 1 ("Introduction") of LaVelle’s Virtual Reality.
2 Part 1: Virtual Worlds - From past to present
Part 2: Introduction to the Xulu system
Read chapter 1 ("Introduction") of Bartle’s Designing Virtual Worlds.
3 Part 1: Computer graphics in 2D and 3D.
Part 2: Introduction to Unity.
Read chapter 3 ("The Geometry of Virtual Worlds") of LaVelle’s Virtual Reality.
DUE: Personal bio / introduction.
4 Part 1: Virtual Reality Hardware
Part 2: Unity programming lecture
Read chapter 2 ("Bird's Eye View") of LaVelle’s Virtual Reality.
DUE: Form a development team (three or four people).
5 Part 1: Light and Color.
Part 2: Unity programming lecture.
Read chapter 4 ("Light and Optics") of LaVelle’s Virtual Reality.
6 Part 1: Human vision and perception
Part 2: Unity programming lecture
Read chapter 5 ("The Physiology of Human Vision") of LaVelle’s Virtual Reality.
DUE: Project proposal.
7 Part 1: Human vision - physiology and perception
Part 2: Unity programming lecture
Read chapter 6 ("Visual Perception") of LaVelle’s Virtual Reality.
9 Part 1: Rendering in Virtual Reality.
Part 2: Unity programming lecture.
Read chapter 7 ("Visual Rendering") of LaVelle’s Virtual Reality.
10 Part 1: Physics in the Virtual Reality.
Part 2: Unity programming lecture.
Read chapter 8 ("Motion in Real and Virtual Worlds") of LaVelle’s Virtual Reality.
11 Part 1: Tracking motion in Virtual Reality.
Part 2: Unity programming lecture.
Read chapter 9 ("Tracking") of LaVelle’s Virtual Reality.
12 Part 1: Virtual Reality - Design considerations.
Part 2: Unity programming lecture.
Read chapter 4 ("World Design") and chapter 6 ("It’s Not a Game, It’s a ...") of Bartle’s Designing Virtual Worlds.
13 Part 1: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).
Part 2: Unity programming lecture
Read chapter 12 ("Evaluating VR Systems and Experiences") of LaVelle’s Virtual Reality.
14 Part 1: The future of Virtual Reality - stimulating the somatosensory system
Part 2: Unity programing lecture
Read chapter 13 ("Frontiers") of LaVelle’s Virtual Reality.
15 VR Application Demonstration
DUE: Project documentation
DUE: Post-project assessment
DUE: Virtual Reality application