Santa Clara University
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
COEN-317: Distributed Systems

Presentation: Team progress update

Each team is required to give a ten-minute presentation as a progress update. Each member of the team is expected to speak and elaborate about their specific contributions thus far on the project. Members of each team should also be prepared to answer questions from the class (audience). These updates should include:

  • Implementation details about how the team has (or will) build their pipeline.
  • How the programs involved in the distributed system interoperate.
  • The programming languages used for the distributed system.
  • Database schema.

Presentation: progress update rubric

Visual Aids Distinguished
2 points

Visual aids are well done and are used to make presentation more interesting and meaningful.
1.5 points

Visuals are adequate but do not inspire engagement with the material.
0.5 point

Very little or poor use of visual materials.
Below Expectation
0 points

Student did not speak and/or was not present for the team progress update.
2 points
Volume Distinguished
1 point

Presenter is easy to hear.
0.75 point

Audience is able to hear as a whole, but there are times when volume is not quite adequate.
0.25 point

Presenter is difficult to hear.
Below Expectation
0 points

Student did not speak and/or was not present for the team progress update.
1 point
Organization Distinguished
1 point

Presentation is well organized with clear main ideas and transitions.
0.75 point

Speaker loses train of thought, does not stay with the proposed outline, or connections are attempted but not made clear for the audience.
0.25 point

Presentation shows little organization, unclear purpose, and/or unclear relationships or transitions.
Below Expectation
0 points

Student did not speak and/or was not present for the team progress update.
1 point
Length Distinguished
1 point

Appropriate length.
0.75 point

Time may run slightly over allotted time.
0.25 point

Presentation time runs excessively beyond allotted time.
Below Expectation
0 points

Student did not speak and/or was not present for the team progress update.
1 point
Total points: 5