Sonoma State University
Department of Computer Science
CS-330: Introduction to Game Programming
Game Project


Create a prototype for a game using the Gadot game engine based upon the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) outlined in the Game Project Proposal.


  • The source code of the game should be your team's original work and not something copied from another project.
  • You may use open-source licensed game art assets necessary for your game.
  • The game should run and meet the team's Minimum Viable Product (MVP) specifications in the team's Game Project Proposal.
  • The game should run using a stock version of the Gadot game engine. Please specify the version of Gadot your game requires.
  • Please denote the operating system and version the game is built-for (Windows 10, Windows 11, MacOS, iOS, Android, GNU/Linux, etc.).
  • Please denote the hardware required for the game such as game controllers, keyboard, mouse, accelerometer (built-in to a smart phone), gesture controls (smart phone or tablet), CPU and GPU requirements, RAM requirements, etc.
  • Please give your game a content rating based on the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) rating guidelines. Possible ratings include: "E", "E 10+", "T", "M", or "A". An "RP" (rating-pending) is not an acceptable rating.


  • Please upload the game source code, game assets, and any required dependencies as a zip or gzipped-tar file archive.
  • Please do NOT include the Gadot game engine itself in your file upload.

Game Project Rubric

Will the game successfully run when built with Gadot?
5 points

Game successfully builds without errors. Any dependent libraries and art assets are included. Game includes a note indicating the minimum version of Gadot required to build the game.
3.5 points

The game contains one build error. The error may be due to missing dependency libraries or art assets that were not included in the source; OR there is no documentation on the required version of Gadot necessary to build the game.
Needs Improvement
1.5 points

The game will not build from source. There are two or more build errors. Dependency libraries may be missing.
Below Expectation
0 points

Game is incomplete. It cannot be built as-is.
5 points
Is there documentation for building the game project and its requirements?
5 points

The game includes hardware requirements the game is built for (e.g. desktop computer, iOS, Android, minimum ram, GPU, etc.). The game includes compatible operating system type and version. Game includes build documentation indicating the required minimum version of the Gadot game required. The versions of any dependency libraries are included. The source URL and licenses for any art assets is included.
3.5 points

Documentation for hardware requirements and build documentation is incomplete: a given art asset may not include a source URL; the version of Gadot required to build the game may be missing; hardware requirements may be missing or incomplete.
Below Expectation
0 points

Hardware requirements and build documentation is missing.
5 points
Did the project meet the team's MVP?
5 points

Game meets all of the requirements defined by the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) outlined during the game project proposal.
3.5 points

Game meets the majority but not all of the requirements defined by the MVP in the game project proposal.
Below Expectation
0 points

Game does not meet at least half of the requirements outlined in the MVP in the game project proposal.
5 points
Is there documentation for how to play the game?
4 points

Game includes player documentation such as compatible input devices (keyboard or mouse), gesture-controls (for touch screen), or accelerometer (rotating or tilting a smart-phone) to control player actions. A description of each part of the HUD (heads-up display) is included (if applicable).
2.4 points

Game includes some player documentation but the documentation is incomplete. Player controls may be incomplete. A description of the HUD (heads-up display) may be missing or incomplete.
Below Expectation
0 points

Player documentation is missing.
4 points
Content rating of the game.
1 point

Game includes one of the following ESRB ratings: "E" , "E 10+", "T", "M", or "A"
Below Expectation
0 points

Game is missing an ESRB game rating or uses "RP" (review-pending) as the game rating.
1 point
Total points: 20