Sonoma State University
Department of Computer Science
CS-330: Introduction to Game Programming
Game Project Assessment Report


Write a 500-word (minimum) project report. This is an informative and reflective document concerning your experience and contributions on game development for CS-330.

Please minimally include the following in your report:


  • What was your role on the project?
  • What were the roles of your teammates?
  • How did you contribute to the project? Specifically, what were your accomplishments?


  • Did your team meet on a regular basis? What was the meeting modality (e.g. Discord, Slack, Zoom, in-person, etc.)?
  • Did your team agree upon coding standards? Provide examples.
  • How did your team resolve conflict (e.g. disagreements, etc.)?


  • Did your game meet your team's Minimum Viable Product specifications?
  • What were you most proud of on this project?
  • If you started this project all over again, what (if anything) would you implement differently? Why?


  • On a scale from one to ten with one being lowest (minimal contribution) and ten (highest contribution) please evaluate the contributions of each of your teammates and of yourself. Please justify your answer with feedback or examples.

Game Project Asssessment Report Rubric

2 points

Report includes detailed information about every team member's role and contributions toward the project. There are no spelling errors or grammatical errors. Entire project report is 500-words or more.
1.4 points

Report includes some information on the role or contributions for every team member. There are no spelling errors or grammatical errors. The entire project report is 300-words or more. The report contains no spelling or grammatical errors.
Below Expectation
0 points

Report contains fewer than 300-words and appears incomplete. Details about specific team member roles and contributions may be missing. The report may contain spelling or grammatical errors.
2 points
2 points

Report includes detailed information about the frequency of team meetings and meeting modality (e.g. Discord, Slack, Zoom, in-person, etc.). Report details coding-standards the team agreed upon. Report indicates how the team resolved conflict. There are no spelling errors or grammatical errors. Entire project report is 500-words or more.
1.4 points

Report contains some information about the frequency of team meetings, meeting modality, or coding-standards the team agreed upon. Report may include information about team conflict resolution and how conflicts would be resolved. The entire project report is 300-words or more. The report contains no spelling or grammatical errors.
Below Expectation
0 points

Report contains fewer than 300-words and appears incomplete. Details about team meeting modality, coding standards, and how team member disagreements are resolved may be missing from report. The report may contain spelling or grammatical errors.
2 points
5 points

The report includes student's proudest accomplishments and denotes if the game meets the team's Minimum Viable Product (MVP) specifications. The student reflects upon what they would have performed differently (if anything) if they were to start the project again. If the game failed to meet the MVP specifications, the student will reflect upon that as well. There are no spelling errors or grammatical errors. Entire project report is 500-words or more.
3.5 points

Report includes some information about student's proudest accomplishments and a reflection about what the student would have done differently (if anything) if they were to start the project again. The entire project report is 300-words or more. The report contains no spelling or grammatical errors.
Below Expectation
0 points

Report contains fewer than 300-words and appears incomplete. Student's proudest accomplishments are vague or missing or student's reflection on how they would implement the project again are vague or missing. The report may contain spelling or grammatical errors.
5 points
1 point

Report includes a contribution assessment rating for EVERY team member from one to ten with comments justifying the rating assigned for each member.
0.7 point

Report is missing a contribution assessment rating from one team member.
Below Expectation
0 point

Report is missing the contribution assessment ratings for two or more team members.
1 point
Total points: 10