Sonoma State University
Department of Computer Science
CS-330: Introduction to Game Programming
Game Project Presentation


Each team is required to give a presentation between ten and fifteen minutes in length for the game the team developed. The presentation should include a live demonstration of the game running. Each student on the team is expected to speak about their individual contributions and the game project in general. Members of each team should also be prepared to answer questions from the class (audience).

Important note:

Although presentations are given as a team, each student on the team will be graded individually (per the syllabus). Please see the grading rubric below to understand how you will be graded for this assignment.


What could you talk about in your presentation? Here are some suggestions:

  • What was your role on the team?
  • What aspect of the project were you responsible for?
  • What were the technical hurdles you or your team had to overcome?
  • What accomplishments were you most proud of?
  • Were there aspects of this project that could be improved? How?
  • What were the easiest and most difficult aspects to writing your game?
  • If you started this project all over again, how would your approach differ or would it remain the same? Explain.
  • What (if any) features would you add to your game if time were not an issue?
  • How could your game be improved?
  • What experience and advice would you share to a new team about to embark on writing a game for CS-330?
  • How could you use this project to showcase your talent to future employers?


  • These presentation are an opportunity to practice your presentation skills. You will need excellent oral and written communication skills to successfully interview at most companies in the corporate world. This is particularly relevant when interviewing at tech companies.
  • The presentations are an opportunity to showcase team and individual member's achievements. This is something to be proud of!
  • Do not undervalue excellent time management as a skill.
  • Do not undervalue excellent oral and written communication as skills.
  • Do not undervalue independent thinking and leadership skills.


  • Please upload a copy of your presentation materials (e.g. PowerPoint, PDF, etc.).

Game Project Presentation Rubric

How is visual media utilized to complement the presentation?
4 points

Visual aids are well done and are used to make presentation more interesting and meaningful.
2 points

Visuals are adequate but do not inspire engagement with the material.
0.5 point

Very little or poor use of visual materials.
Below Expectation
0 points

Student did not speak and/or was not present for the team progress update.
4 points
Can the audience hear you?
2 points

Presenter is easy to hear.
1 point

Audience is able to hear as a whole, but there are times when volume is not quite adequate.
0.5 points

Presenter is difficult to hear.
Below Expectation
0 points

Student did not speak and/or was not present for the team progress update.
2 point
Is the presentation focused and organized?
2 points

Presentation is well organized with clear main ideas and transitions.
1 point

Speaker loses train of thought, does not stay with the proposed outline, or connections are attempted but not made clear for the audience.
0.5 points

Presentation shows little organization, unclear purpose, and/or unclear relationships or transitions.
Below Expectation
0 points

Student did not speak and/or was not present for the team progress update.
2 point
Duration of the presentation
2 points

Presentation delivered within allotted minimum and maximum times.
1 point

Time may run slightly over allotted time.
0.5 points

Presentation time runs excessively beyond allotted time.
Below Expectation
0 points

Student did not speak and/or was not present for the team progress update.
2 points
Total points: 10